Monday, July 7, 2008

Week 3 Thing 6

Well I created my mash-up a month ago today;however, my Internet was down. I won't say what Internet company I'm with but let's just say, I always have problems. So let's continue and see how much I can catch up.

When I created my mash-up, I created a movie poster for the new movie coming up based on the book Twilight. It was fun creating it.
I even figured out that I could created my own English Teacher trading card. It was neat. I will definitely use flicker next year to have the students create movie posters for every novel and AR they read.

Here is my movie poster from fliker


ESC1 said...

Do you know when the movie is coming out?

Stef said...

Yes! It comes out Spring 2009! I'm having my students read the series before we go watch it!