Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week 7 Thing 17 SandBox

OOPS!!!! I forgot to add an entry to the Region One Sandbox. I did today! Go see at

Week 9 Thing 23 The End of The "23" Journey!

Wow! I can't believe this is the end... In the beginning, I really did not know what to expect. I went in being optimistic though.. I do have to say that some Things were not easy... My favorite is the Rollyo and learning that Wikis are not so Evil... I hope that Region One will keep us updated to more workshops. I will definitely love to keep on with my lifelong learning.
My goals are to educate my students about what I learned this summer, although, I would not doubt that they already know, technology speaking, they are always one step ahead. I will however create a blog about the novels we will read in class...
I hope to enroll in many more programs like this one.If I could describe my learning experience in one word- CHANGE--- Everything I learned this summer due to my ability to CHANGE the way I feel about technology. I only hope that those that are set in their old school ways will be willing to CHANGE as well. There is so many tools online that will add value and interaction to the way the students learn.

Week 9 Thing 22 E books

As an avid reader, I love that there are free sites to download books. I teach an ESL class and I really love the Gutenburg Project. I even volunteered once to read a story for this project. I have also recommend these sites to my students who find it difficult to locate a specific novel. Until their novel comes in, they can go to the World Ebook site and download certain chapters. I only hope that there will be more volunteers to read and upload more novels than there are now.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Week 9 Thing 21 Podcasts

My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-c5d4001f0ee01285844a92c6b12d8262}

I decided to go to and since I love to travel, I chose the travel icon and found a pod cast to Disney World/ My family is thinking about traveling there in a few years so this podcast explains all there is to know, it is quite helpful....

Week 9 Thing 20 YouTube

My students actually introduced youtube to me a few years back. I now use it quite a bit. Since we will be reading the Twilight series next year, I found the movie trailer.I will use youtube, however for book trailers I use our library website.Thats a cool wesite, although I can't think of it right now.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Week 8 Thing 19 This Library Thing!

I loved this website. I'm definately going to use this site with my students. They will have to go ont he site blog each other about the books we read in class and I will take that for a grade. This is my favorite by far...

I even read blogs from other people about my choice of books.

Stephs Zoho

Zoho is pretty much like Word, with the exception of sharing, tagging and importing and waiting for comments!♥

Week 8 Thing 18 Zoho Writer

Ok. I joined and signed into Zoho and I learned that you can do several things online as well as offline. Zoho works just like a wordproccessor. You can spellcheck, add pictures

Monday, July 7, 2008

English 10 Literature Wiki » Mrs. M Literature Cirlce

English 10 Literature Wiki » Mrs. M Literature Cirlce

Week 7 Thing 16 wikis

First of all, when wikipedia first came out, I was told to be cautious and to tell our students not to pull any research from the site. Anyone can go on this site and change the information, thus making wikipedia an unreliable site.

I do however like the site for networking with my students. For example, I discovered that I can create a literature circle and then keep in contact with my students by compiling, and sharing through blogging.

Thing 15 Week 6 Future of Libraries

I agree with Rick Anderson's "Away from the Icebergs", when he states that the idea of library collection must be seen differently.I'm sure librarians need to buy a new set of encyclopedias to replace the outdated ones but should spend that money to subscribe to an online encyclopedia.Its funny, just the other day when my husband and I were cleaning out our garage,I found a set and gave them to our local goodwill and thought about why I had kept them for so long (28) years, when I knew I would never open them again. I have been using the Internet to look up information. Even my students would rather look for the information online.

Week 6 Thing 14

I really didnt notice anything different from technorati and blogger except I like the layout in bogger better and its easier to navigate and upload items. I had a tough time on this one....

I searched the movie engine and since I was intresting in going to a movie, I read some of the reviews from other bloggers. It was very helpful in making my decsion. I decided to take the kids to see E- Robot. Oh well, back to Technorati, everytime I tried to save a blog to my favorites, it kicked back to the log in page. I dont know how many times I tried to log in, and it still kept taking me back. UUUUHHHHHH!

Week 6 Thing

I've never heard of before, but I've seen the word in Picasa and myspace when I uploaded pictures. I did though relate it to tagging. After learning about it I now know that allows me to share my bookmarks with others.I have added the badge to my bl.og

Week 5 Thing 12 My Rollyo

I created a search engine with Rollyo( for my English class and for personal use) This was an actually easy procedure and I really love it. I will definitely use this page; I will also show my students how to create one for their research projects, I know that it will come in handy in my class.

Powered by Rollyo

Week 5 Thing 11

Well, I wanted to learn how to play around with all my photos that I have on my cd. I wanted a website that helps me upload and import my pics. So I went on the Web 2.0 SEOmoz's top sites and I found one under the photo and digital image category. In 1st place was flicker, but since I already played around with that website, I used the site that came in 3rd place, which was Picasa. All I did was pop my pic cd in my computer and then the rest was easy. Here are some of my pics....

Week 5 Thing 10 image generator

Well, here it is, my image generator. I followed another blogger's advice and went to and found one of my favorite poems by Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven.... How appropriate for an English Teacher. I saved this image to my pictures as well and will upload it to my homework page next year.

Week 4 thing 8 and 9

Today I learned about Rss Feeds ( Really Simple Syndication ) and bloglines. I decided to do some of the discovery exercises and after taking the tutorial I created a free online account and then added three important feeds (thing 9)or websites that I can easily access anytime I want. The three I use a lot in the classroom are: word of the day
United Streaming Video
Channel today's issues that affect teenagers

I used to search for the feeds I wanted. I found easier though and make sure you click on the (feeds) Icon at the top. This will make things easier.

I will go back there later and add more feeds to my blogline account.

Oh and to anyone having trouble adding RSS feeds to your bloglines, there is a good tutorial on

Happy feeding!

Thing 7 Week 3

Technology speaking, I did learn from my husband and through the flicker website how to upload my wedding pictures and save them so others can see them. It was easier than I thought it would be. All I had to do was save all my wedding pictures on my computer and then upload them to flicker. I also browsed a picture of my nephew off of myspace and here he is...

I also just received a mp3 player and learned how to download and drag music into my mp3 form It was so easy and fun.

Week 3 Thing 6

Well I created my mash-up a month ago today;however, my Internet was down. I won't say what Internet company I'm with but let's just say, I always have problems. So let's continue and see how much I can catch up.

When I created my mash-up, I created a movie poster for the new movie coming up based on the book Twilight. It was fun creating it.
I even figured out that I could created my own English Teacher trading card. It was neat. I will definitely use flicker next year to have the students create movie posters for every novel and AR they read.

Here is my movie poster from fliker

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Week three-Thing 5

Well I did it! I put in a CD into my D Drive and uploaded a picture onto Flickr. It was quite easy.
I think I will upload some more later. Right now, I'm going to try thing 6 and 7.

Week 1 Intro Thing 1 and 2

I already watch the introduction video and learned that learning is lifelong. I've learned how to created this blog and I also created an avatar and imported it into my blog. The avatar does kind of look like me, which is really creepy, but cool.

I wonder and hope I am doing this right.

If anyone has any comments, please send them my way.

Why I signed up for this class?

When Mrs. Faulk announced that there would be a free class we could take in the summer to learn about blogging among other things, I thought that since I wasn't really doing anything exciting, I would give this online class a try. I really thought it would be a breeze, but to tell you the truth it is a little difficult. I didn't think I was this computer illiterate. I think its because I'm trying to multitask, and while I am trying to learn the 23 things, I'm reading to my kids, answering the phone, and watching TV. I think starting tomorrow, I will just focus on this for at least an hour.
Anyone else feel the same?

Thursday, June 5, 2008

4th thing- Flika

I just created an account for flicka- this was very easy and fun.
I downloaded two photos from my wedding on the beach.

Creating an avatar

I just created my first avatar and it's kind of freaky that she looks a little like me!

1st thing-Learning, a lifelong process

I have learned that learning is a lifelong process, whether it be learning new ideas from reading a book or from watching my children interact, I will forever be learning.