Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing 15 Week 6 Future of Libraries

I agree with Rick Anderson's "Away from the Icebergs", when he states that the idea of library collection must be seen differently.I'm sure librarians need to buy a new set of encyclopedias to replace the outdated ones but should spend that money to subscribe to an online encyclopedia.Its funny, just the other day when my husband and I were cleaning out our garage,I found a set and gave them to our local goodwill and thought about why I had kept them for so long (28) years, when I knew I would never open them again. I have been using the Internet to look up information. Even my students would rather look for the information online.


danilei said...

Great insight on your part Stef. I'm so glad you are participating in this course. The more that faculty understand the relevance of the library and the difference in our resources, the better it will be for our students! Dani

ESC1 said...

This would be a good collaborative lesson on information literacy.